Be Mentored by the Best

With the 100 Doors to Success program, you’ll be paired with a successful alum—someone who knows the true value of a Transylvania education and will help guide you through your four years of college and into graduate school or the workforce. You’ll meet with your mentor regularly throughout the year and learn how to build a professional network, set goals, plan for your career, and much more.

Am I eligible to participate?

Any Transylvania student may participate in the program.

When may I join the program?

You may join at any time while you are a Transy student. Many students will join their first year and participate through their senior year. Others wait until after their first year to join.

Do I have to stay with the same mentor every year?

You do not have to remain with the same mentor every year. As your interests and needs change, you may choose to get a new mentor. You may decide to remain with your same mentor each year. It is up to you!